If you haven’t heard about steel series then either you haven’t been to a e-sports tournament, haven’t watched any online or you never paid any attention to the banners and the advertisements. It may sound weird but Steel Series is the most prominent part of any e-sports competition and they products are loved by gamers […]
Gender and race discrimination has been one of the biggest concerns globally and in the U.S particularly. While most may agree that the issue has addresses and catered for, a wide majority think otherwise about the issue. Recently, a similar incident took place at Google, where a senior software engineer wrote a 10-page long memo […]
Our world revolves around the technological advancements and progression. Over the past decade alone, the life of a common man has changed upside down in a positive way due to the emergence of technology. Think of a smartphone, 20 years ago, who would have thought that a device that fits inside your pocket could be […]
The smartphone market has been flooded with high-quality smartphones carrying outstanding software and hardware capabilities. Smartphone manufacturers have been innovating and adding up to the features-list to make it a more compelling purchase every year. Similar is the scenario with Google, the pioneer of Android Operating System has made a breakthrough with their Pixel series, […]
All You Need to Know About the iPhone 8 Photo Credit: Martin uit Utrecht Flickr via Compfight cc In less than a month, Apple is expected to unveil their groundbreaking flagship carrier in celebration of the iPhone’s 10-year anniversary. The upcoming iPhone 8 is expected to be a game changing device with a number of […]